Tag Archive | empty

The most annoying thing…

I am sure you have all gone through it either the emptier or the supplier…  that beloved empty toilet roll… NOT!
WHY?  Why is it never replaced?   I secretly left 2 tiny little sheets remaining on the roll to see if anyone would replace it with a new one.   Nope… no new roll.  What is it about the toilet roll that makes some people so queasy at the thought of having to put one on?  Is it so strenouous?  So Complicated?  or just plain laziness “who has time for that?”,   “I’ll just let someone else do it, cuz I know they will”.     If one thing that makes me a HOT MESS is when it is always emtpy, so incredibly annoying when you are the one stuck staring at the empty roll and seething when the empty box of kleenex is sneering at you!  What do I do?  What do I use?  Is anyone home?  Help!!  I am sure there are many that agree with me.   As ridiculous as it is, all of you, AND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE…, take a moment, and it is really a moment, a blink of an eye, no more than 30 seconds max, change a roll of toilet paper today, and embrace the idea that “it really wasn’t that hard, was it?!”                                 

                                                                                                   My dream toilet rolls  😀  Awwwwwwwwwww